Mission Team

Supporting the Community that Supports Us

Guided by their faith, many of our members have a strong dedication to supporting the mission-based ministry of Friedens UCC. The work of the Mission Team is never-ending and always growing in order to serve communities here at home and afar.

Donations are always accepted for the Mission Team and it's initiatives. Physical items can be placed in the marked bins on the Mission Team carts in Weidner Hall. Monetary donations can be made through offering envelopes by marking "Mission Team" in the "Other" section.

Fighting Food Insecurity

One of the most active ministries of the Mission Team is their work to fight food insecurity. Various initiatives are conducted throughout the year and on a regular basis.

Some of these initiatives include monthly collection items, supporting local food pantries, drive-through drop-offs, a Little Free Pantry, and more! Information about each of these initiatives can be accessed via the button below.

Supporting Community Organizations

The Mission Team recognizes and understands that their work will never be able to cover and/or solve every issue that our community faces. In an effort to do as much as possible, various organizations are supported throughout the year via special offerings and item collection drives. More information about these community organizations and how the Mission Team supports them can be accessed via the button below.

Special Fundraisers

Various special fundraisers are held throughout the year that support the Mission Team and its initiatives. Various fundraiser types, formats, and themes have been utilized in the past, but you can learn more about upcoming and recent special fundraisers via the button below.

Mission Trips

An initiative supported by the Mission Team, although not directly related or connected, are mission trips. Mission trips allow individuals to take their dedication to service one step further by physically supporting a cause. These trips can be to a local humanitarian facility for a day, to a different part of the country as apart of disaster relief, to a different country to help grant access to life-giving resources, or countless other variations.

A mission trip to Peru was conducted in July 2024. Contact Sue Henne, at s.henne73@icloud.com, to learn more about the trip.